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Facilitated finance

The result of decades of collaboration with a number of leading and established business and subsidized finance firms, as well as participation in associations of professionals who share the need to offer “turnkey services” to companies, Yes Automation provides its clients with financial support for the management of their investments.

It will be possible to plan their purchases, of machinery and services, considering participation in calls for subsidized finance or taking advantage of other useful financial opportunities to support planned investments.

Announcements in force

Tax Credit for “Investment in Capital Equipment”

This tax credit is available to companies investing in new capital equipment aligned with theTransition 4.0” criteria as defined in Law No. 232 of 2016. Eligible investments must be directed towards production facilities located within the state’s territory.
The tax credit is valid until December 31, 2025, or until June 30, 2026, provided that by December 31, 2025, the relevant order has been accepted by the seller and down payments of at least 20% of the acquisition cost have been made.
It comprises a tax credit that can only be utilized by offsetting through the F24 form. Additionally, access to the tax credit is granted for investments in new intangible assets that serve as instrumental components of business operations.

Tax Credit for “Investment in Capital Equipment”

The 2016 Stability Law introduced a tax credit (referred to as the “Credit”) for companies purchasing new capital equipment for use in production facilities situated in the regions of Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, Molise, Sardinia, and Abruzzo. The credit is capped at 20% for small companies, 15%for medium-sized companies, and 10% for large companies.
Decree Law No. 243 of 2016 amended the regulations governing this tax credit. The deadline for utilizing the credit is December 31, 2024.

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